It may be that Emily didn't understand Biology lessons at school. She may dismiss science as a western colonial construct designed to keep indigenous people down. Now that Trump has reverted to the status quo proponents of transgenderism are going to have to argue their case

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A great read, I like feelings shown to be so factual.

The bathroom thing is always a good exercise in framing isn’t it - is it really fair that certain men can demand at will that women must urinate or defecate with their male presence? Slight change makes it super repulsive.

And poor Emily - if has no Y chromosome, there can be no sperm, and without double-X no-Y there will be no egg. It’s not an opinion. It’s an observation.

The US creates the plurality of global biomedical research, and the largest funder is the NIH (National Institutes of Health). There will be no grants allowed or research published with NIH funding or in relation to NIH funding which makes a pseudoscientific claim of gender in any form, the grant approval process has already halted for review.

That will create a wave of pressure globally which will extirpate funding or recognition of gender pseudoscience which will stop “scientists believing” nonsense.

Science and medicine couldn’t do it.

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Ask her how big her mother's dick is then.

Ball palming handmaids know who the women are. We all do.

Mind you, I was angry 10y ago and they've merely entrenched my view about their pick-me mediocrity; now I'm incandescent.

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The Emilys always seem to want evidence and numbers from women to justify us not wanting men in our spaces - yet I don’t believe they’ve ever made the same demands upon men who say they’re women to justify their demands to be allowed in female spaces.

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They’re such quislings. So much for female solidarity.

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